Political relations
In 2014, France will participate in the ISAF mission with about 250 military personnel.
to provide training and command of Kabul International Airport
and its transfer of authority, and participate in staff functions within the structures
of the ISAF. The withdrawal of these 250 soldiers was scheduled for the end of 2014.
Within the context of the Bilateral Security Agreement (BSA), and the Convention on the Status of Refugees, the
forces (SOFA), it is agreed that 9800 US soldiers and approximately 3000 from the NATO
other NATO countries remain in Afghanistan after 2014. Their number will be cut in half by
by the end of 2015 and then completely by the end of 2016. Their mission will mainly consist of training
for the Afghan National Army (ANA).
The international and French military presence in Afghanistan.
The international military presence reached a peak in June 2011 with 100,000 U.S. troops.
and 30,000 from other NATO countries, then it was reduced to 41,000 soldiers (including 29,000 Americans) in September 2014..
Dans le prolongement des conférences de Londres (28 janvier 2010) et de Kaboul (20 juillet), le Sommet de l’OTAN, à Lisbonne
les 19 et 20 novembre 2010, a annoncé le lancement, au premier semestre 2011, du processus de transition vers un plein exercice
des responsabilités par les autorités afghanes complété fin 2014.
The NATO Summit in Chicago (May 20-21, 2012) set the main guidelines for NATO's role in Afghanistan
after 2014. NATO's post-transition presence consists only of a training facility for Afghan security forces.
International military apparatus
In 2012, the international military force deployed in Afghanistan amounted to 100,000 troops (including 68,000 Americans),
from 48 countries and members of the International Security Assistance Force (ISAF).
ISAF was established by the United Nations Security Council in December 2001 (Resolution 1386). It has a mandate to
renewed annually by resolution of the UNSC. ISAF's role is to assist the Afghan government in providing an environment
security to enable the success of civilian efforts to rebuild and develop the country. NATO provides
since August 2003 the command of ISAF.
Parallel to ISAF, the operations of the anti-terrorist coalition "Enduring Freedom" (about 17,000 troops, mainly
The United States) continue on the basis of Article 51 of the UN Charter (right of self-defence).
French military apparatus
In 2012, the French military force engaged in operations in Afghanistan comprised 3,600 soldiers operating in the following areas
the Afghan territory, but also from Dushanbe (transport aircraft) and the Arabian Sea (supplies).
Operational since November 1, 2009, Task Force La Fayette (TFLF) was one of the five brigades (Brigade Combat Team).
of Regional Command East. Its area of operation was the Surobi district and Kapisa province, to the east and northeast.
of Kabul. Deployed mainly on four bases or outposts, it carried out security and control missions for
area, operations for the benefit of the population, and joint operations with Afghan security forces advised
by the French military. In the TFLF area, five Afghan army operational mentoring teams (Operational Mentoring
and Liaison Teams, or OMLT) were also deployed with the battalions of the 3rd Brigade of the 201st Army Corps.
Afghan National Army (ANA). This military operation was part of a global approach that included the establishment of
the Afghan Police Operational Mentoring and Liaison Teams (POMLT), armed by the gendarmerie, as well as the implementation of actions
development assistance.
Parliament approved the extension of the commitment of French troops in Afghanistan on September 22, 2008.
As announced by the French President at his election, all French fighting forces have been withdrawn.
of Afghanistan at the end of 2012.